About Jelmer Coppens

Jelmer Coppens (1998, NL) is an artistic designer who constantly seeks the boundary between art and design. This duality is expressed in different materials, styles and techniques. However, it can always be seen, whether this is between new and old techniques, old and newer materials or working as an artist or designer. This dichotomy regularly causes him internal conflict, conflict between artist or designer.


In his work he is often guided by material research, where he is inspired by Arts & Crafts, Bauhaus, Dutch Functionalism and Dutch Design. He also gets a lot of inspiration from fashion & craft.


His work cannot clearly be placed within one of the boxes of art, design or craft. His work can best be described as made by an Artistic designer. It makes him a designer who moves on the spectrum between art, design, and craft.


In his everyday life, Jelmer is active as teacher Design & Exploration. In this subject, he guides students working in teams through bèta-technical projects from the real work field. Design & Exploration focuses on competences and skills that one needs in bètatechnique, such as creativity, entrepreneurship, collaboration, inventiveness, communication, planning, project-based working, organization, and process- and knowledge-focused working. The aim is to enthuse more students at a young age for bètatechnical degrees, as this leads to jobs that are important for the Dutch economy.